I have the following example GUI window. I would like to wrap this into an executable for my teammates to use. However, I cannot figure out how to include the "azure.tcl" file into the executable. Without this, it works, but I would like to try and bring it along.
window = tk.Tk()
I tried the following:
pyinstaller --onefile test.py
I get the error:
_tkinter.TclError: couldn't read file "azure.tcl": no such file or directory
I know I need to add the .tcl file along with it, but I cannot figure out how, could you please offer any advice?
First you need to include required files into the executable using --add-data
option of PyInstaller.
pyinstaller -F --add-data="azure.tcl:." --add-data="theme:theme" test.py
Then you need to modify your code to load the required file from the temporary directory mentioned in Runtime Information of PyInstaller.
from pathlib import Path
# get the directory where the script file is
progdir = Path(__file__).parent
# function to get the absolute path of a file relative to the script file
def _path(relpath):
return progdir / relpath
# load the required file using the above function
window.tk.call("source", _path("azure.tcl"))