Based on this I defined an auxiliary myLinecolor(i) = word(LINECOLORS,i)
to use different collors for each bar, which corresponds to the value of a row in the input data file.
Yet, which argument should I pass to myLinecolor()
regarding the bar index (i.e. row in data file) being painted?
Passing myLinecolor(variable)
gives error internal error : non-INTGR argument
LINECOLORS = 'red green blue yellow brown gray turquoise'
myLinecolor(i) = word(LINECOLORS,i)
set output 'results.svg'
# using xval:ydata:box_width:color_index:xtic_labels
# 0:5:(0.8):0:xtic(1)
# xval 0- each row
# ydata 5 - value of column 5
# box_width 0.8
# color_index 0 - same as the number of the row
# xtic_labels xtic(1) - value of column 1
plot 'results.csv' every ::1 using 0:5:(0.8):0:xtic(1) with boxes lc rgb myLinecolor(variable)
e.g. I would like bar1=red, bar2=green, ..., bar7=turquoise
Here is an example with a bar chart where every bar has a different color as defined in a string with color hex-codes. You could also use an array.
### bar chart with colors defined in string
reset session
$Data <<EOD
A 1.1
B 6.2
C 4.3
D 2.4
E 3.5
F 7.6
G 5.7
set yrange[0:]
set style fill solid 1.0
set boxwidth 0.8
set key noautotitle
# colors red green blue yellow brown grey turquoise
myColors = "0xff0000 0x00ff00 0x0000ff 0xffff00 0xa52a2a 0xcccccc 0x30e0d0"
myColor(i) = int(word(myColors,int(i+1)))
plot $Data u 0:2:(myColor($0)):xtic(1) w boxes lc rgb var
### end of script
With an array it would look like this. It's shorter, but you have to specify the size of the array, whereas with a string you can simply add more colors. Replace the last block with this:
# colors red green blue yellow brown grey turquoise
array myColors[7] = [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xffff00, 0xa52a2a, 0xcccccc, 0x30e0d0]
plot $Data u 0:2:(myColors[int($0+1)]):xtic(1) w boxes lc rgb var
You can also define your linecolors via linestyle
or linetype
and an index, check help linestyle
and help linetype
You would get a similar result if you replace the last block with
set linetype 1 lc "red"
set linetype 2 lc "green"
set linetype 3 lc "blue"
set linetype 4 lc "yellow"
set linetype 5 lc "brown"
set linetype 6 lc "grey"
set linetype 7 lc "turquoise"
plot for [i=1:7] $Data every ::i-1::i-1 u (i):2:xtic(1) w boxes lt i
however, I would prefer the first variant, or maybe if at some point I will switch to gnuplot>=5.5, the following variant:
# for gnuplot>=5.5.0
myColors = "red green blue yellow brown grey turquoise"
myColor(i) = rgbcolor(word(myColors,int(column(i)+1)))
plot $Data u 0:2:(myColor(0)):xtic(1) w boxes lc rgb var