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gnuplot xtics with underscores in enhanced mode

I need to print named xtics in extended mode. The problem is that the names stored in "selected_indices" contain underscores. To print them as underscores in extended mode, the underscores must be preceded by three backslashes. How can I insert these three backslashes automatically when I add the xtics to a plot?


n_indices = words(selected_indices)
selected_indices = "A_a B_b"
print selected_indices


selected_indices = "A\\\_a B\\\_b"
print selected_indices

set xtics ( '' 1 )
set for [i=1:n_indices] xtics add ( sprintf("{/:Bold %s}", word( selected_indices, i ) ) i )


  • The first thing which comes to my mind is simply to replace the _ by \_. Mind the difference with single and double quotes, either "\\\_"or '\_'.

    In the following script, a function is defined to replace the first underscore (_) in a string by backslash + underscore (\_). With this, you can "un"enhance the underscore for subscript, but still use ^ for subscript. Maybe there are better solutions.


    ### unenhance underscore in enhanced textmode
    reset session
    $Data <<EOD
    A_a^1   1
    B_b^2   2
    C_c^3   3
    set offset 1,1,1,1
    set key noautotitle
    set style fill solid 0.4
    ueus(s) = s[1:c=strstrt(s,'_')-1].'\_'.s[c+2:]   # unenhance underscore
    plot $Data u 0:2:xtic(ueus(strcol(1))) w boxes
    ### end of script


    enter image description here


    In case you have multiple underscores in your string, you can replace them all by the following function:

    # replace all `_` with `\_`
    rpus(s) = (c='', sum[j=1:strlen(s)] (c=c.(s[j:j] eq '_' ? '\_' : s[j:j]), 0), c)
    print rpus("A_b_cde_fgh_12^3")

