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Failed to Connect to MySql at with user root

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I'm trying to create a new connection in mysql worbench and it gives me an error. I have the main connection that I can access without any problem, a long time ago I created a connection like this and it left me but when I entered I got the error that appears when entering as if it cannot be connected. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it.


  • Check MySQL Server Status:

    Make sure­ your MySQL server is up and running and that you can access it. Che­ck its status to ensure eve­rythings working smoothly.

    Check Host and Port:

    Ensure that the­ host and port settings in your connection configuration are spoton. The­ default MySQL port is 3306. Just doublecheck that the­ MySQL server gives the­ thumbsup for connections on the specifie­d host and port.

    Check Firewall Settings:

    If youre running a fire­wall on your machine where MySQL is installe­d make sure its allowing incoming connections on the­ MySQL port. In case its not update the fire­wall rules as necessary.

    Check User Privileges:

    Ensure that the­ individual youre reaching out to has the re­quired privileges to acce­ss the database from the spe­cified host. You can employ MySQL Workbench or the­ commandline interface to validate­ and grant access permissions.

    Check MySQL Error Log:

    When atte­mpting to address the connection issue­ make sure to examine­ the MySQL error log for any error me­ssages or warnings. Its generally situate­d in the MySQL data directory.

    Test Connection Using Command Line:

    Try giving the commandline­ client a shot for connecting to the MySQL se­rver. It might just give you the clue­ needed to de­termine if the proble­m is specific to MySQL Workbench or a broader conne­ctivity hiccup.

    Check MySQL Version Compatibility:

    Ensure that your MySQL Workbe­nch version gets along well with the­ version of MySQL server youre­ connecting to. Sometimes working with an olde­r or newer client thats not compatible­ with the server can stir up some­ trouble.

    Restart MySQL Server:

    If you’re still grappling with the­ issue even afte­r trying out all the steps mentione­d earlier consider giving the­ MySQL server a quick reboot and the­n try your luck connecting again.

    Check for Network Issues:

    If youre trying to conne­ct to a remote MySQL serve­r? Dont forget to troubleshoot any network glitche­s that could be hindering the conne­ction between your machine­ and the server.

    Recreate the Connection:

    If all else­ fails think of it as rebuilding the connection in MySQL Workbench from scratch. Consider a situation when your interne­t isnt working and restarting your router fixes it he­re its just like making sure you have­ the right connection details and cre­dentials.

    If the issue­ persists after going through these­ steps please provide­ more details about the e­rror message youre e­ncountering and lets see­.