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Can I prevent a tabs from switching tab?

I have a tabs for a wizard process.

Is it possible to achieve that if certain conditions are not met, avoid proceeding to the next step (avoid switching to the next tab)?

Could I achieve my requirement in the SelectionListener?


  • SelectionListener is problematic as it's a little too late and doesn't provide us with an object we can use.

    First disable the swipe action by using setSwipeActivated(false);. Swiping is a bit problematic to block as it provides a preview of the next tab.

    You can override setSelectedIndex(int, boolean) to return in such a case. Alternatively you can do something like this:

    private void enableTabs(Tabs t, boolean enable) {
         for(Component c : t.getTabsContainer()) {

    Then use enableTabs(t, false) to disable all the tabs and use true later to re-enable them.