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Find and remove sub-element in XML file

I’m new to Python so here is my problem:



What I need to be able to do is locate the element "EffectivePath" if it equals a certain value then delete the whole section it belongs to. Since is a child of "ConfiguredPath" (the section that needs to be deleted related to onlt that particular effective path)

Here is an example result if EffectivePath = "\SERVERNAME\C$\DOCS"

=> Result XML file should be as folllows:


Here is my script; however it removes all the ConfiguredPaths (and hence its children) rather that just the required one:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('Data.xml')
root = tree.getroot()

for child in root:
    if child.tag == "ConfiguredPaths":
        for elem in child.iter():
            if elem.tag == "ConfiguredPath":
                for child_elem in child.iter():
                    if child_elem.tag == "EffectivePath" and child_elem.text == r"\\SERVERNAME\C$\DOCS":
                        print(f"Required item is:", child_elem.tag, child_elem.text)



  • One more example using lxml instead of ElementTree (because ElementTree has limited support for xpath and also lxml has the convenient .getparent() method).

    from lxml import etree
    to_remove = r"\\SERVERNAME\C$\DOCS"
    tree = etree.parse("Data.xml")
    # The context for tree is already /Configuration, so using a relative xpath.
    for elem in tree.xpath(f"./ConfiguredPaths/ConfiguredPath[EffectivePath='{to_remove}']"):