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Simpler Golang Concurrency Pattern

I've been trying to make a function that makes multiple external api calls concurrent with the following in mind

  • return the first error encountered
  • aggregate the results of the api call

Here is my function without concurrency

func GetMicrosoftTeamsChannelSuggestions(workspace *model.Workspace([]*model.MicrosoftTeamsChannel, error) {
    allChannels := []*model.MicrosoftTeamsChannel{}
    teamsGroups := GetMicrosoftTeamsGroupsFromWorkspace(workspace)

    for _, teamGroup := range teamsGroups {
        channels, err := GetMicrosoftTeamsChannels(*workspace.MicrosoftTeamsTenantId, teamGroup)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        allChannels = append(allChannels, channels...)

    return allChannels, nil

My solution feels overkill. For one thing I kinda wished we could do away with the "crazy" for loop and the channel multiplexing thing with the select statement. I believe there is a simpler solution.

I read about concurrency patterns and tried to use one for this and produced the code below

func GetMicrosoftTeamsChannelSuggestions(workspace *model.Workspace) ([]*model.MicrosoftTeamsChannel, error) {
    allChannels := []*model.MicrosoftTeamsChannel{}
    teamsGroups := GetMicrosoftTeamsGroupsFromWorkspace(workspace)

    ch := make(chan []*model.MicrosoftTeamsChannel, len(teamsGroups))
    errCh := make(chan error)

    defer func() {

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for _, teamGroup := range teamsGroups {
        go func(teamGroup string) {
            defer wg.Done()

            channels, err := GetMicrosoftTeamsChannels(*workspace.MicrosoftTeamsTenantId, teamGroup)
            if err != nil {
                errCh <- err
            } else {
                ch <- channels


    for {
        select {
        case channels := <-ch:
            allChannels = append(allChannels, channels...)
        case err := <-errCh:
            return nil, err // Return the first encountered error
            return allChannels, nil


  • Your solution will create many goroutines in a for-loop, and then pull the results after all of them are terminated. Also, the for-loop that waits for the results has a default case in the select, causing it to busy-loop. Also, even if one of the calls fail, they are all executed.

    You can improve this solution. First, use a context to cancel, and a single channel to transfer both result and error:

    type Result struct {
        Result []*model.MicrosoftTeamsChannel
        Err error
    ctx, cancel:=context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    ch:=make(chan Result) // No need for buffered channel

    Setup a reader goroutine:

    var err error
    go func() {
       for result:=range ch {
          if ch.Err!=nil {
             if err!=nil { // Record the first error
          } else {
             allChannels = append(allChannels, result.Result...)

    Then start the goroutines:

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for _, teamGroup := range teamsGroups {
        go func(teamGroup string) {
            defer wg.Done()
            // Stop if canceled
            if ctx.Err()!=nil {
            channels, err := GetMicrosoftTeamsChannels(*workspace.MicrosoftTeamsTenantId, teamGroup)
             ch<-Result{Result: channels, Err:err}

    Wait for them to end:


    Close the channel so the reader can terminate:
