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Understanding interferences between python importing policy and pytest mocking

I am having some troubles in understanding how to properly mock a function using pytest-mock module.

I will report a minimal reproducible example:

file: src/

import tempfile

from src.mini_pdf_handler import mini_pdf_handler

def mini_handler():
    tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

file: src/

import tempfile

def mini_pdf_handler():
    tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

file: tests/

def test_mini_handler(mocker):
    mock_tempfile = mocker.MagicMock() = 'outputs/output.pdf'

    mocker.patch("src.mini_handler.tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile", side_effect=mock_tempfile)


The problem is that the mock works, but it is mocking even the NamedTemporaryFile in the mini_pdf_handler module, when it should mock it only in the mini_handler. I have the feeling the problem might be in the import policy that python have, since once a module is imported, it won't import it again. At the same time, I feel that the problem might be some silly oversight. Can someone help me?


  • The problem here is that you're patching "too deep".

    Each module in src/ has a reference to the tempfile module. You could mock src.mini_handler.tempfile and it would not impact mini_pdf_handler, but you're dereferencing src.mini_handler.tempfile by mocking ...tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile, and in both modules this refers to the same thing.

    You can fix it like this:

    from src.mini_handler import mini_handler
    def test_mini_handler(mocker):
        mock_tempfile = mocker.MagicMock() = 'outputs/output.pdf'
        res = mocker.patch('src.mini_handler.tempfile')
        res.NamedTemporaryFile = mock_tempfile

    Here we are replacing src.mini_handler.tempfile with a mock object. This doesn't impact the reference to tempfile in src.mini_pdf_handler. We then configure the NamedTemporaryFile attribute of our mock object.

    In response to your comment:

    Imagine we have the following dictionaries:

    >>> tempfile = {'foo':'bar'}
    >>> mini_handler = {'tempfile': tempfile}
    >>> mini_pdf_handler = {'tempfile': tempfile}

    If I modify `mini_handler['tempfile']['foo']...

    >>> mini_handler['tempfile']['foo'] = 'qux'

    ...then that change is visible in both mini_handler['tempfile'] and mini_pdf_handler['tempfile'], because both of these names refer to the same thing:

    >>> mini_handler['tempfile']['foo']
    >>> mini_pdf_handler['tempfile']['foo']

    On the other hand, if I replace mini_handler['tempfile'] with a different dictionary:

    >>> mini_handler['tempfile'] = {'something': 'else'}

    This is no longer the case:

    >>> mini_handler['tempfile']
    {'something': 'else'}
    >>> mini_pdf_handler['tempfile']
    {'foo': 'qux'}

    The situation with modules and mocking in your test is exactly analagous to this example. Does that help?