I´m trying to create a xml with this structure:
<pt:request xmlns:pt="urn:logalty:schemas:core:1.0" xmlns:identity="urn:logalty:schemas:core:identity:1.0" xmlns:process_meta="urn:logalty:schemas:process:meta:1.0" xmlns:ptforms="urn:logalty:schemas:forms:1.0" xmlns:request_meta="urn:logalty:schemas:request:meta:1.0">
<request_meta:time2close unit="d" value="28"/>
<request_meta:time2save unit="d" value="1825"/>
<request_meta:userdefined name="LGT_SDKJava">4.13.2</request_meta:userdefined>
<identity:receiver receiver-id="1">
<identity:email>[email protected]</identity:email>
<identity:binarycontentrule binary-content-group-id="1" binarycontentrule-id="1">
<process_meta:email>[email protected]</process_meta:email>
<process_meta:userdefined name="name">value</process_meta:userdefined>
but my problem it´s, that in all my key from array my code add pt
, and i don´t know why.
my result:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pt:request xmlns:pt="urn:logalty:schemas:core:1.0" xmlns:identity="urn:logalty:schemas:core:identity:1.0" xmlns:process_meta="urn:logalty:schemas:process:meta:1.0" xmlns:ptforms="urn:logalty:schemas:forms:1.0" xmlns:request_meta="urn:logalty:schemas:request:meta:1.0">
<pt:time2close unit="d" value="28"/>
<pt:time2save unit="d" value="1825"/>
<pt:userdefined name="php">8.1.6</pt:userdefined>
<pt:receiver receiver-id="1">
<pt:email>[email protected]</pt:email>
<pt:binarycontentrule binary-content-group-id="1" binarycontentrule-id="1">
<pt:email>[email protected]</pt:email>
<pt:userdefined name="name">value</pt:userdefined>
my arrays, data its:
$logalty_data_header = [
'request_meta:service' => 'instalacion_id_'.$id,
'request_meta:time2close unit="d" value="28"' => "",
'request_meta:time2save unit="d" value="1825"' => "",
'request_meta:lopd' => 0,
'request_meta:retryprotocol' => 3,
'request_meta:synchronous' => false,
'request_meta:tsa' => 0,
'request_meta:userdefined name="php"' => '8.1.6',
$logalty_data_process = array(
'process_meta:generator' => 'generator',
'process_meta:language' => 'es-ES',
'process_meta:receivers' => array(
'identity:receiver receiver-id="1"' => array(
'identity:personalData' => array(
'identity:firstname' => 'first',
'identity:middlename' => 'middle',
'identity:lastname1' => 'last1',
'identity:lastname2' => 'last2',
'identity:contact' => array(
'identity:uuid' => 'uuid1',
'identity:phone' => 'phone',
'identity:mobile' => 'mobile',
'identity:fax' => 'fax',
'identity:email' => '[email protected]',
'identity:legalIdentity' => array(
'identity:type' => 'DNI',
'identity:jurisdictionCountry' => 'ESP',
'identity:issuer' => 'issuer',
'identity:id' => 'id',
'identity:certificate' => 'certificate',
'identity:binarycontentrules' => array(
'identity:binarycontentrule binary-content-group-id="1" binarycontentrule-id="1"' => array(
"request_meta:signMethods" => array(
"request_meta:signMethod" => "SMS_VOICE",
'process_meta:subject' => 'subject',
'process_meta:body' => 'body',
'process_meta:url' => 'LOGALTY_DIRECT_ACCESS_DOC_IN_FRAME',
'process_meta:email' => '[email protected]',
'process_meta:userdefined name="name"' => 'value',
i have a functions in my class, that to create my xml file, i´m sending or $logalty_data_header
or $logalty_data_process
in my class i have:
public function array_to_xml($data_header, $data_process, $path = null, $rootElement = null, $xml = null)
$_xml = $xml;
// If there is no Root Element then insert root
if ($_xml === null) {
$xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($rootElement !== null ? $rootElement : '<pt:request xmlns:pt="urn:logalty:schemas:core:1.0" xmlns:identity="urn:logalty:schemas:core:identity:1.0" xmlns:process_meta="urn:logalty:schemas:process:meta:1.0" xmlns:ptforms="urn:logalty:schemas:forms:1.0" xmlns:request_meta="urn:logalty:schemas:request:meta:1.0"></pt:request>');
$wrapper = $xml->addChild('pt:request_meta');
// Visit all key value pair
foreach ($data_header as $k => $v) {
// If there is nested array then
if (is_array($v)) {
// Call function for nested array
$this->array_to_xml($v, $k, $wrapper->addChild($k));
}else {
// Simply add child element.
$wrapper->addChild($k, $v);
$wrapper2 = $xml->addChild('pt:process_meta');
$this->processData($data_process, $xml, $wrapper2);
return $xml->asXML($path.'/installation.xml');
and in my function processData
i have a:
private function processData($data_process, $xml, $wrapper2)
foreach ($data_process as $k => $v) {
// If there is nested array then
if (is_array($v)) {
// Call function for nested array
$this->processData($v, $k, $wrapper2->addChild($k));
}else {
// Simply add child element.
$wrapper2->addChild($k, $v);
i think that my wrong it´s in array_to_xml
but i don´t know where are my error. This xml, it´s for send it to API and need create with first format.
Thanks for readme and sorry for my bad english
Try this
$logalty_data_header = [
'request_meta:service' => 'instalacion_id_' . $id,
'request_meta:time2close unit="d" value="28"' => "",
'request_meta:time2save unit="d" value="1825"' => "",
'request_meta:lopd' => 0,
'request_meta:retryprotocol' => 3,
'request_meta:synchronous' => false,
'request_meta:tsa' => 0,
'request_meta:userdefined name="php"' => '8.1.6',
$logalty_data_process = array(
'process_meta:generator' => 'generator',
'process_meta:language' => 'es-ES',
'process_meta:receivers' => array(
'identity:receiver receiver-id="1"' => array(
'identity:personalData' => array(
'identity:firstname' => 'first',
'identity:middlename' => 'middle',
'identity:lastname1' => 'last1',
'identity:lastname2' => 'last2',
// ... other nested data
// ... other process data
// Create a new XML document
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$xml->formatOutput = true; // Enable formatting for readability
// Create the root element with namespaces
$root = $xml->createElementNS('urn:logalty:schemas:core:1.0', 'pt:request');
$root->setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:identity', 'urn:logalty:schemas:core:identity:1.0');
$root->setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:process_meta', 'urn:logalty:schemas:process:meta:1.0');
$root->setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:ptforms', 'urn:logalty:schemas:forms:1.0');
$root->setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:request_meta', 'urn:logalty:schemas:request:meta:1.0');
// Create request_meta element and its children
$requestMeta = $xml->createElement('request_meta');
createXmlChildren($xml, $requestMeta, $logalty_data_header);
// Create process_meta element and its children
$processMeta = $xml->createElement('process_meta');
createXmlChildren($xml, $processMeta, $logalty_data_process);
// Function to create nested XML elements recursively
function createXmlChildren($xml, $parent, $data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$parts = explode(':', $key);
$tagName = $parts[count($parts) - 1];
$element = $xml->createElement($tagName);
if (is_array($value)) {
createXmlChildren($xml, $element, $value);
} else {
$element->textContent = $value;
// Handle attributes if present
if (count($parts) > 1) {
$attributes = array_slice($parts, 0, -1);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$name = explode('=', $attribute)[0];
$value = explode('=', $attribute)[1];
$element->setAttribute($name, $value);
// Save the XML to a file or output it
$xml->save('output.xml'); // Save to a file
// echo $xml->saveXML(); //