I would like to change the window title, how can I do this? Image
import flet as ft
def main(page: ft.Page):
page.theme_mode = ft.ThemeMode.DARK
page.window_height, page.window_width = 300, 300
page.title = 'app'
Tried to change the theme, didn't help, and it's not in the documentation.
I examined your code and realized that something is missing.
You need to use an AppBar()
Pros: You can change the color!
Cons: There's some limited colors...
page.appbar = ft.AppBar(
title=ft.Text("AppBar Example"),
You have to enter the color in bgcolor=ft.colors.here
Add this to the main function so you can use these limited colors:
I researched a bit and found out that you can also change the page.theme
(not the page.theme_mode
I'll affect your widget's theme but it's better and nicer.
page.theme = Theme(color_scheme_seed="blue")