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How can I create custom roxygen2 tags for a package?

I'm aware of this documentation ( but I am struggling to make it work for a custom "home brew" package. All I really need is a "simple" custom tag e.g. @information. There seems to be some information missing to bridge the gap (for me) between the documentation and actually having it work in a package (a working example would be great).

I also found this video:
and related repositories:
However, they also don't seem to be doing what I would expect.

Can anyone point me at some useful examples?


  • Leaning on the example made with the @tip tag in the Extending roxygen2 vignette for a simple descriptive tag @information all you need to do is create a file in the R/ folder of your package and add this content to the file:

    #' @importFrom roxygen2 roxy_tag_parse
    #' @importFrom roxygen2 roxy_tag_rd
    # define a roxy_tag_parse() method that describes how to parse the tag 
    # text. Here it will be processed using Markdown 
    #' @export
    roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_information <- function(x) {
    # define a roxy_tag_rd() method that describes how to convert the tag 
    # into `.Rd` commands 
    #' @export
    roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_information <- function(x, base_path, env) {
      roxygen2::rd_section("information", x$val)
    # Since we provided our own type "information" in rd_section() we need 
    # to define a format method for this type
    # Feel free to adapt this method to your needs
    #' @export
    format.rd_section_information <- function(x, ...) {
        paste0("  \\item ", x$value, "\n", collapse = ""),

    Later on you can just use the tag as any other tag in your roxygen headers:

    #' @information This is some important information I want to display! 

    Hope this helps!


    If you want to create a separate package for custom roclets and import them when needed, then in your custom package {myroclets} create a file in R/ and add the same contents as stated above. Additionally you need to add a constructor for your @information tag so append the file with

    #' @export
    information_roclet <- function() {

    to export your information_roclet.

    In the case you need to use the information_roclet in another package of yours, just add to DESCRIPTION

    Roxygen: list(roclets = c("collate",
                  packages = "myroclets") 

    where myroclets is the package where the information_roclet was originally created.