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I would like to ask if there is any information about I searched all over the Internet and there is no information about it. I tried to write it myself, but it is not feasible at all on Yocto.

Bitbake recipe:

SUMMARY = "In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities"
AUTHOR = "Alex Grönholm <>"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.txt;md5=f0e423eea5c91e7aa21bdb70184b3e53"

SRC_URI = ""
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "cf4dd44a52f05e4a06dc104de52e41f5"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "e6df071b27d9be898e486bc7940a7be50b4af2e9da7c08f0744a96d4bd4cef4a"

RDEPENDS_${PN} = "python3-six python3-pytz python3-tzlocal"

inherit setuptools3

Image install line in image:

IMAGE_INSTALL += "python3_apscheduler"


  • For Python packages that exist on PYPI there is an easier solution, you can check out this great article in mender authored by 'mirzak'.

    In his example it looked at the end like this:

    SUMMARY = "This is a python module for monitoring memory consumption of a \
    process as well as line-by-line analysis of memory consumption for python programs"
    HOMEPAGE = ""
    LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause"
    LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=cde4ca348bb7feea790673481be0d980"
    SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5fe93d5035288095c4f86ef69ee19f37"
    SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4e5b73d7864a1d1292fb76a03e82a3e78ef934d06828a698d9dada76da2067b0"
    PYPI_PACKAGE = "memory_profiler"
    inherit pypi setuptools3
    RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \
        python3-psutil \