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How to use SqlTransaction to insert a master record and detail

I'm trying to use SqlTransaction from C# to create a transaction that performs an insertion into a table called "maestro" and another table called "detalles". I have managed to insert without any issues, but I believe I am doing it wrong because I am passing the foreign key field to the details from the data layer, whereas I think I should pass the data from the presentation layer. However, I can't capture the auto-incremented value "MaestroId" at that moment to add it to my list.

I have the following code:

Data Layer:

public void registerMasterAndDetail(string name, List<EN_MasterDetail> masterDetails)
    BDConnection bdConnection = new BDConnection();
    SqlTransaction transaction = null;

        using (SqlConnection connection = bdConnection.OpenConnection())
            transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

            // Output parameter to obtain the MaestroId
            SqlParameter outputParameter = new SqlParameter("@MaestroId", SqlDbType.Int)
                Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
            int maestroId;

            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("sp_InsertMaster", connection, transaction))
                command.CommandTimeout = 20;
                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", name);
                // Add output parameter

                // Execute the stored procedure

                // Obtain the MaestroId from the output parameter
                maestroId = Convert.ToInt32(outputParameter.Value);

            foreach (var detail in masterDetails)
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("sp_InsertDetail", connection, transaction))
                    command.CommandTimeout = 20;
                    command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MaestroId", maestroId);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", detail.LastNames);


    catch (Exception ex)
        // Handle the exception

Logic Layer:

public void registerMasterAndDetail(string name, List<EN_MasterDetail> masterDetail)
    BD_MasterDetail bdMasterDetail = new BD_MasterDetail();
    bdMasterDetail.registerMasterAndDetail(name, masterDetail);

In the Presentation Layer, I'm struggling with how to obtain the value of the "MaestroId" field to send it to the detail. I have tried the following code, but I haven't been able to obtain that value:

public void Method1()
    RN_MasterDetail rnMasterDetail = new RN_MasterDetail();
    EN_MasterDetail masterDetail = new EN_MasterDetail
        MaestroId = 1, // Here I need to obtain the value from the master table,
        LastNames = "Melgar",
        Age = 30, // Assume a value for the example
        Height = 1.75 // Assume a value for the example
    rnMasterDetail.registerMasterAndDetail("Master 1", masterDetail);

As you can see, in this line, I am hardcoding the value of the "MaestroId" field. But only one data is saved for each last name, and I want one "MaestroId" to have several "Details". This is an example because in the program I'm trying to make, it should iterate through a dataGridView.

I have tried to change my methods to return a boolean, in the master so that if it is saved, the detail is saved only if the detail table exists. However, if the detail table does not exist, I would still have data inconsistency.

I have tried to add the value of the maestroId field directly from the Data layer, but I don't think that's what should be done. I have also tried to divide the methods, but I still don't know how to get the MaestroId value to pass it to the detail.

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MaestroId", maestroId);


  • This code does work for me, but I think there may be something that is more maintainable. I would like to register the kardex after registering the sale in the same transaction. Could you please comment on how a sales transaction works in a supermarket so that I can change my approach?

     public void registerMasterAndDetail(string name, List<EN_MasterDetail> masterDetails)
        BDConnection bdConnection = new BDConnection();
        SqlTransaction transaction = null;
            using (SqlConnection connection = bdConnection.OpenConnection())
                transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
                // Output parameter to obtain the MaestroId
                SqlParameter outputParameter = new SqlParameter("@IdMaster", SqlDbType.Int)
                    Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("sp_InsertMaster", connection, transaction))
                    command.CommandTimeout = 20;
                    command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", name);
                    // Add output parameter
                    // Execute the stored procedure
                    // Obtain the MaestroId from the output parameter
                    int maestroId = Convert.ToInt32(outputParameter.Value);
                    // Assign the MaestroId to each detail
                    foreach (var detail in masterDetails)
                        detail.MaestroId = maestroId;
                    // Now masterDetails list contains MaestroId for each detail
                    // Insert details into the Detail table
                    foreach (var detail in masterDetails)
                        using (SqlCommand detailCommand = new SqlCommand("sp_InsertDetail", connection, transaction))
                            detailCommand.CommandTimeout = 20;
                            detailCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                            detailCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MaestroId", detail.MaestroId);
                            detailCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", detail.LastName);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Handle the exception

    And in this code in the presentation layer I have this code that works

        public void Method1()
        // Create a list of EN_MasterDetail objects
        List<EN_MasterDetail> masterDetails = new List<EN_MasterDetail>();
        // Fill the list with the last names you want
        // You can use the constructor of the EN_MasterDetail class or its properties
        masterDetails.Add(new EN_MasterDetail { LastName = "Pérez" });
        masterDetails.Add(new EN_MasterDetail { LastName = "García" });
        masterDetails.Add(new EN_MasterDetail { LastName = "López" });
        // Invoke the registerMasterAndDetail method passing the master name and the list of details
        BD_MasterDetail bdMasterDetail = new BD_MasterDetail();
        bdMasterDetail.registerMasterAndDetail("Master 1", masterDetails);
        // You don't need the MaestroId here; it is handled internally

    I am writing this code because I believe it is the best way to control inconsistencies. After saving the sale, I have to save the Kardex, and that's why I need to obtain the MaestroId field.

    Please, and if it doesn't violate the forum policies, provide the code you think I should have written to achieve what I needed.

    I'm also providing the table structure in case you want to create a small project and test it without taking too much time:

     -- Create Maestro table
    CREATE TABLE Maestro (
        Nombre VARCHAR(50)
    -- Create Detail table`enter code here`
    CREATE TABLE Detail (
        MaestroId INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Maestro(Id),
        LastName VARCHAR(50)
    -- Create stored procedures to insert data
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_InsertMaster
        @Name VARCHAR(50),
        @IdMaster INT OUTPUT
        INSERT INTO Maestro (Nombre)
        VALUES (@Name);
        SET @IdMaster = SCOPE_IDENTITY();
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_InsertDetail
        @MaestroId INT,
        @LastName VARCHAR(50)
        INSERT INTO Detail (MaestroId, LastName)
        VALUES (@MaestroId, @LastName);
    SELECT * FROM Maestro;
    SELECT * FROM Detail;
    DELETE FROM Detail;
    DELETE FROM Maestro;
    DROP TABLE Detail -- To test if the rollback works

    Please, based on what I have done, give me an example so I can continue with my work. Thank you.