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How to hide fetch and XHR logs in Cypress 12?

I'm learning Cypress 12 and wanted to disable fetch and XHR from logging. In my research, I found "Hide XHR calls on Cypress test runner" which points to this gist but for some reason, it's not working.

My following steps:

root level tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "lib": ["es5", "dom"],
    "types": [
    "baseUrl": "./"
  "include": ["**/*.ts", "./cypress/support/cypress.d.ts"]

directory tree of:

  / cypress
    / support
      / cypress.d.ts
      / e2e.ts

contents of cypress.d.ts:

declare namespace Cypress {
  interface ResolvedConfigOptions {
    hideXHRInCommandLog?: boolean;

contents of e2e.ts:

// Hide fetch/XHR requests from command log
if (Cypress.config('hideXHRInCommandLog')) {
  const app =;
  if (
    app &&
  ) {
    const style = app.document.createElement('style');
    style.innerHTML =
      '.command-name-request, .command-name-xhr { display: none }';
    style.setAttribute('data-hide-command-log-request', '');


still renders the XHR:

enter image description here

this appears to be a known issue from further research:

In Cypress 12 how can I hide XHR and fetch logs?


  • You can use an intercept at the top of the test to turn off logging for fetch and xhr.

    cy.intercept({ resourceType: /xhr|fetch/ }, { log: false })

    See RouteMatcher

    resourceType - The resource type of the request. See "Request object properties" for a list of possible values for resourceType.

      resourceType: 'document' | 'fetch' | 'xhr' | 'websocket' | 'stylesheet'
                 | 'script' | 'image' | 'font' | 'cspviolationreport' | 'ping'
                 | 'manifest' | 'other'