I have a table and I want to return all the products which have not been classified as RANGED during that campaign period. So if I filtered on Campaign A it will only return the products that have never ever been ranged so it will only return Grapes.
So it will look at each filtered row and for each product check whether the range is equal to NO
Campaign Product Range
A Apple YES
A Banana NO
A Banana NO
A Banana YES
A Grapes NO
A Grapes NO
How would I go about creating such table using DAX?
I have tried using filter but this will return the rows which have the range NO
rather than returning only the products for that specific campaign where every row of that product has not been ranged.
Current Output:
Expected Output:
Table 2 =
VAR t =
SUMMARIZE('Table', 'Table'[Campaign], 'Table'[Product]),
"@x", CALCULATE(COUNT('Table'[Range]), 'Table'[Range] = "Yes"
RETURN SELECTCOLUMNS( FILTER(t, [@x] = BLANK()), "Product", 'Table'[Product])