For the first time I ran this command docker pull dafoam/opt-packages:v3.0.8
to download the DAFoam image. But there have been some commits made by code owner, how to update my DAFoam image, so that I have latest files on my pc.
I think running the above command again does not update files because comamnd prompt says Image is up to date for dafoam/opt-packages:v3.0.8
I was expecting that after running this command all of the files of this git will be updated on my pc.
Im sorry if this is a very basic question. Actually I don't have knowledge about github.
When you use tag v3.0.8
you're saying that that's the version you want, even if there are newer versions. To update, you need to use a different tag. The image owner might provide a latest
tag you can use. But even if you use that, the image isn't updated automatically. You need to pull it yourself, when there are updates.
If you look at the available tags for the image here you can see that there is a latest
tag that was pushed recently. So if you use dafoam/opt-packages:latest
you should get the new version