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How to calculate the time complexity of this recursive function

I'm currently taking a course on algorithms and data structures, but I'm having some difficulty understanding how to calculate the complexity of this function as it involves a recursive function within another recursive function. Could someone provide some guidance, please?

Let x be the root of a Binary Search Tree (BST), and let's assume that the number of nodes is n.

DISCLAIMER: I am well aware that this function is highly inefficient. These functions have been written for illustrative purposes only.


countForEach(x){ //prints the number of nodes for each subtree of the tree rooted at x
    if(x != NIL){

countRec(y) //returns the number of nodes in the subtree rooted in y
    if(y == NIL):
        return 0
        return countRec(y.left) + countRec(y.right) + 1

I know that countRec(x) has a time complexity of Θ(m), where m is the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at x and that countRec(y) is called by countForEach(x) n times where n is the number of nodes of the tree rooted at x. What prevents me from reaching a solution is that m decreases as CountForEach executes.


  • In comments you've already derived what the result would be if the tree were degenerate, i.e. where each node only has one child, except for the (single) leaf node: 𝑛+(𝑛−1)+...+3+2+1 = 𝑛(𝑛+1)/2, which is θ(𝑛²). This is a worst case scenario in terms of 𝑛.

    A best case scenario occurs when the tree is perfect, i.e. where there is no node that has one child only and all leaves are at the same level.

    Let ℎ be the height of the perfect binary tree; the number of nodes 𝑛 is then equal to 2ℎ+1−1.

    Counting the number of calls of countRec in a top-down manner, we get these terms per level of the tree:


          + 21⋅(2−1)

          + 22⋅(2ℎ−1−1)

          + 23⋅(2ℎ−2−1)

          + ...

          + 2

    Writing each term as the subtraction of two powers of 2:

          = 2ℎ+1−20

          + 2ℎ+1−21

          + 2ℎ+1−22

          + 2ℎ+1−23

          + ...

          + 2ℎ+1−2

    Adding up the terms:

          = (ℎ+1)2ℎ+1−(2ℎ+1−1)

          = ℎ2ℎ+1+1

    As in this perfect tree 𝑛=2ℎ+1−1, this translates to:

          = (log2(𝑛+1)−1)(𝑛+1) + 1 which is θ(𝑛log𝑛)

    In conclusion we can say the worst case time complexity is θ(𝑛²) and the best case time complexity is θ(𝑛log𝑛).