I have sample data like below, I want to display all project names, and not just one by passing index because the size of array is not known in every column.
By trying below SQL getting only 'project1'. Need both project1 and project2 in concatenation.
WITH dataset AS
SELECT '{"name": "Bob Smith",
"org": "engineering",
"projects": [{"name":"project1", "completed":false},{"name":"project2", "completed":true}]}'
AS myblob
SELECT json_extract_scalar(myblob, '$.projects[0].name') AS project_name
FROM dataset
Expecting like both project1 and project2 in concatenation.
There are multiple options. For example you can use the json_query
which has better JSON path support than json_extract
SELECT json_query(myblob, 'lax $.projects[*].name' WITH ARRAY WRAPPER) projects
FROM dataset;