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BLoC builder doesn't rerender UI

I would like to get todos from API, set them to state and show them on screen. On initState method I am starting request. After recieving it in my BLoC, I set it in state. But todos don't visible on my screen and state is emty array.

My request from screen:

  void initState() {

Here is my BLoC file with state:

abstract class TodosState with _$TodosState {
  const factory TodosState({
    required List<Todo> todos,
    @Default(false) bool loading,
  }) = _TodosState;

class TodosBloc extends Bloc<TodosEvent, TodosState> {
  TodosBloc() : super(const TodosState(todos: [])) {

  FutureOr<void> todosInitialFetchEvent(event, Emitter<dynamic> emit) async {
    emit(state.copyWith(loading: true)); // try to set loading as true
    List<Todo> todos = await TodosRepo
        .getAllTodos(); // async operation to JSON placeholder API (works)
        todos: todos, loading: false)); // finish loading, apply recieved todos
    print(state.todos); // shows todos which were recieved

Part of UI screen where I should see todos, but no:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(body: BlocBuilder<TodosBloc, TodosState>(
      builder: (context, state) {
        print(state.todos); // shows empty array
        if (state.loading) {
          return const Center(
            child: CircularProgressIndicator(),


  • The solution is that I shouldn't create another instanse of bloc to call an event


    final TodosBloc todosBloc = TodosBloc();

    Should be in initState:<TodosBloc>().add(event);