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ActivityCompat.requestPermissions for targetSdkVersion 30 is not working

I have following permissions:

private static final String[] LOCATION_PERMISSIONS = {

I try to request permissions in my code with following line (activity is my current activity ref):

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, LOCATION_PERMISSIONS, 1);

Everything works fine if I have targetSdkVersion 29 or lower in my build.gradle file. Permissions dialog appear, I can press button in it to grant permissions. Everythig is fine

But! After I changed target sdk to Android 11: targetSdkVersion 30 this functionality stop working. Permission system dialog doesn't appear - and I can't grant location permissions for my app.

So can anybody help me? What am I wrong? What should I change in my code - for correctly working with Android 11?

Now with targetSdkVersion 29 I can run my app under the android 11 emulator too. May be I shouldn't increment target sdk version to: 30 at all?


  • The solution is:

    STEP 1: The app should request foreground location permissions :

    private static final String[] FOREGROUND_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS = {
                Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION,       // GPS
                Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION,     // GPS approximate location

    STEP 2: The app should request background location permissions :

    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.Q)
        private static final String[] BACKGROUND_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS = {

    Only in this order!

    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, FOREGROUND_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS, 1);
    // Check the first statement grant needed permissions, and then run the second line:
    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, BACKGROUND_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS, 1);

    If I firstly trying to request background permission - it will not work.

    If I request only background permissions (without already granted foreground permissions) - it will not work.

    I should request foreground permissions - and then after that I should request background permission - one by one.

    p.s. I provided this more clear - in my opinion, answer with code examples, additionally to correct Pawel answer,