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How to load external CSS, js in Vue and Laravel

i created vue layout in my components but i have problem. Actually i m using vue3 in my laravel project with breeze library. And my template needs a some js and css file and i m import like this

onMounted(() => {

 const stylesheets = [

  stylesheets.forEach(stylesheet => {
    let stTag = document.createElement('link');
    stTag.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
    stTag.setAttribute('href', stylesheet);

 const heads = [


  heads.forEach(head => {
    let headTag = document.createElement('script');
    headTag.setAttribute('src', head);


this code work but loading every page refresh. How can i import external template files for healty code.

Thans Stackoverflow family.

i tried external template files import my vue 3 project. and i expect how can i import this files in my layout


  • Try to remove the wrapping onMounted.
