i made a header file for CLR/C++ project and the Player header file explode with errors all of them being the C2238 error
using namespace System::Data::SqlClient;
public ref class Player {
int ID;
String^ firstName ;
String^ lastName;
int stage;
int points;
bool playing;
//default constractor
Player(System::String^ first,System::String^ last,int stag,int point,bool play)
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
stage = stag;
points = point;
playing = play;
Player^ SaveToSql(Player^ p,SqlCommand^ sqlcomand)
sqlcomand->Parameters->AddWithValue("@lastName", p->lastName);
sqlcomand->Parameters->AddWithValue("@stage", p->stage);
String^ q = "SELECT TOP 1 id FROM playr ORDER BY DESC";
sqlcomand = gcnew SqlCommand(q);
p->ID = safe_cast<int>(sqlcomand->ExecuteScalar());
return p;
i don't know man i just wana fix ma code ;)
i just figuired it out, i haven't added namespace System befor Sting^ so basically the answare was add System:: befor every Sting^ in the code