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like statement not working in sql check statement in sqlite3

I'm working on a project and I need to create a table with phone number, I want to check that all the characters are digits by using the regex '^[0-9]{10}$' in a check statement while creating the table, but when I enter any phone number like '0522233355' I got error in check statement, which contains the regex, I'm attaching my code:

def create_table():
    customers_table = """
    create table if not exists Customers(
        phone_number nvarchar(10) primary key,
        first_name nvarchar(15),
        last_name nvarchar(15),
        city nvarchar(20),
        address nvarchar(50),
        backup_phone nvarchar(10),
        password nvarchar(20),
        check (length(phone_number) == 10),
        check (phone_number not like backup_phone),
        check (phone_number like '^[0-9]{10}$'),
        check (length(password) >= 8 and length(password) <= 20),
        check (password like '^.{8,20}$')
    products_table = """
    create table if not exists Products(
        id_number int auto_increment primary key,
        name nvarchar(50),
        img_path nvarchar(100),
        price nvarchar(10),
        description nvarchar(200),
        publish_year nvarchar(20),
        author_name nvarchar(20)
    with sqlite3.connect("Shopping.db") as connection:
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        except Exception as e:

I tried to used 'regexp' but the interpreter doesn't recognize it while the sql console use it with ease. I tried: check (phone_number like '0522233355'), and it worked. I tried: check (phone_number like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'), not working. I tried different phone numbers, but the same result. that's what I have tried.


  • Here is how you could amend the usages of LIKE

        create table if not exists Customers(
            phone_number nvarchar(10) primary key,
            first_name nvarchar(15),
            last_name nvarchar(15),
            city nvarchar(20),
            address nvarchar(50),
            backup_phone nvarchar(10),
            password nvarchar(20),
            check (length(phone_number) == 10),
            check (phone_number != backup_phone)
            check (phone_number GLOB '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'),
            check (length(password) >= 8 and length(password) <= 20)

    Given that you are using Python, I would suggest checking the regex with a user defined function in Python, as SQLite is limited in regex capabilities, supporting {n} could be done using tricks like this one

    For example,

    import sqlite3
    import re
    # Check if a string contains exactly 10 digits
    def regex_check(s):
        return re.match(r'^[0-9]{10}$', s) is not None
    conn = sqlite3.connect('DATABASE_NAME.db')
    conn.create_function("REGEX_CHECK", 1, regex_check)
    # Now REGEX_CHECK is usable in SQL, for example
        create table if not exists Customers(
            phone_number nvarchar(10) primary key,
            -- other fields
            check (REGEX_CHECK(phone_number))
            -- other constraints