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ASP.NET MVC 3/4 Razor - public action method not found - how to debug

I'm just working on an existing C# ASP.NET MVC 3/4 application and I am getting an error when trying to call a method.

The call is

@url.Action("Bob", "BobController")

The controller is:

class BobController ... 
    public ActionResult Bob() 
        // ...

The error I get is

A public action method 'Bob' was not found on controller MyController

What is happening, the constructor is being fired in the class so I can see the call being made and arriving at the controller, then it jumps to the Application_Error in global.asax.

Just wondering, if there is a way of determining what it is looking for (missing permission, incorrect route etc.) so I can see why it is failing?



  • You dont need to postfix the controller in the @Url.Action part with ´controller´ as the framework already takes care of that for you.

    It should be enough like the following: @Url.Action("Bob", "Bob")