I am thinking that this is probably quite simple to fix but I’ve not been able to find a solution so far.
I am trying to display a dictionary and allow the user to select an item so that I then have programatic access to both the keys and the values of their selection
I am able to display both the keys and values when listing the dictionary - e.g.
Text("Value:\t\(myList[item] ?? "")”)
but when the user makes a selection I am only able to access the key and print it, not display via a Text view
print("Selection is:\($selection)")
Text("Selection is:\(selection)")
Text("Selection is:\($selection)")
I am thinking that this could be related to my setting the selection variable as:
@State private var selection = Set<String>()
I have tried to configure it as:
@State private var selection = Set<String:String>()
but get error meessages for this.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Full code is:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var myList = ["Chumbawumba": "7", "Jini Dosa": "2", "Handbrake": "13"]
@State private var selection = Set<String>()
var body: some View {
List(selection: $selection) {
ForEach(myList.keys.sorted(), id: \.self) { item in
HStack {
Text("Value:\t\(myList[item] ?? "")")
// Text("Selection is:")
// Text(selection)
// Text("Selection is:\(selection)")
Button(action: {
print("Selection is:\(selection)")
}) {
As you've noted, selection
contains only the selected keys, not values. To get the values, you need to use these keys to subscript your myList
property like you do in the HStack
. Here's an example:
Button(action: {
let selectedValues = selection
.compactMap { myList[$0] }
.joined(separator: ", ")
print("Selection is: \(selectedValues)")
}) {
I'm using compactMap
here instead of map
because the subscript returns an optional value, so this removes any nil values returned and gives us a list of non-optional strings.