Is there a bash command I can run to copy all the environment variables from one AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment to another? I'm trying to copy to a new environment, so assume that the target environment has no environment variables that need removing.
I'm aware of eb printenv
and eb setenv
, but these were not designed to work together.
You can string them together with a bit of bash magic:
eb setenv -e <TARGET_ENVIRONMENT> \
`eb printenv <SOURCE_ENVIRONMENT> | \
sed 's/ = /=/' | sed 's/ Environment Variables://'`
If you prefer, you can create the following bash function:
function eb-copy-env {
# Usage: eb-copy-env <source_environment> <dest_environment>
test "$1" && test "$2" || { echo "Usage: eb-copy-env <source_environment> <dest_environment>"; return 1; }
SOURCE_VARS=$(eb printenv $1) || { echo $SOURCE_VARS; return 1; }
SOURCE_VARS=$(echo $SOURCE_VARS | sed 's/Environment Variables://' | sed 's/ = /=/g')
echo -e "\nBeginning copy"
eb setenv -e $2 $SOURCE_VARS
echo -e "\nCopy successful"