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How to find an optimal shape with sections missing

Given an n by n matrix of integers, I want to find a part of the matrix that has the maximum sum with some restrictions. In the version I can solve, I am allowed to draw two lines and remove everything below and/or to the right. These can be one horizontal line and one diagonal line at 45 degrees (going up and right). For example with this 10 by 10 matrix:

  [[ 1, -3, -2,  2, -1, -3,  0, -2,  0,  0],
   [-1,  3,  3, -3,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2, -2],
   [-1,  0, -1,  0,  2,  1,  1, -3,  2,  1],
   [-3,  1, -3, -1,  1, -3, -2, -1, -3,  1],
   [ 1, -3,  1, -2,  2,  1, -3,  2, -3,  0],
   [-1, -2,  0, -2,  2, -3,  3, -1, -1,  2],
   [ 2,  2, -3, -1,  0, -1,  2,  0,  3,  0],
   [-1,  3, -1,  1, -1,  0,  0,  3, -3,  0],
   [ 3,  2,  1,  1,  2,  3,  0,  2,  0, -3],
   [ 0,  3,  2,  0, -1, -2,  3, -3, -3,  1]]

An optimal sum is 3 which you get by the shaded area here:

enter image description here

If square contains the 2d array then this code will find the location of the places where the bottom row should end to get the maximum sum:

max_sums = np.empty_like(square, dtype=np.int_)
max_sums[0] = np.cumsum(square[0])
for row_idx in range(1, dim):
    cusum = np.cumsum(square[row_idx])
    for col_idx in range(dim):
        if col_idx < dim - 1:
            max_sums[row_idx, col_idx] = cusum[col_idx] + max_sums[row_idx - 1, col_idx + 1]
            max_sums[row_idx, col_idx] = cusum[col_idx] + max_sums[row_idx - 1, col_idx]

maxes = np.argwhere(max_sums==max_sums.max())   # Finds all the locations of the max

print(f"The coordinates of the maximums are {maxes} with sum {np.max(max_sums)}")


I would like to be able to leave out regions of the matrix defined by consecutive rows when finding the maximum sum. In the simpler version that I can solve I am only allowed to leave out rows at the bottom of the matrix. That is one region in the terminology we are using. The added restriction is that I am only allowed to leave out two regions at most. For the example given above, let us say we leave out the first two rows and rows 3 to 5 (indexing from 0) and rerun the code above. We then get a sum of 26.

Excluded regions must exclude entire rows, not just parts of them.

enter image description here

I would like to do this for much larger matrices. How can I solve this problem?


  • Here is a solution that will handle any number of alternating include/exclude regions. (But always in that order.)

    def optimize_exclude(matrix, blocks=5):
        """Finds the optimal exclusion pattern for a matrix.
        matrix is an nxm array of arrays.
        blocks is the number of include/exclude blocks. We
        start with an include block, so 5 blocks will include
        up to three stretches of rows and exclude the other 2.
        It returns (best_sum, diag, boundaries). So a return of
        (25, 15, [5, 7, 10, 12]) represents that we excluded
        all entries (i, j) where 5 <= i < 7, or 10 <= i < 12, or
        15 < i+j.
        It will run in time O(n*(n+m)*blocks).
        sums = []
        # We start with a best which is excluding everything.
        best = (0, -1, [])
        n = len(matrix)
        if 0 == n:
            # Handle trivial edge case.
            return best
        m = len(matrix[0])
        for diag in range(n + m - 1):
            if diag < n:
                # Need to sum a new row.
            # Add the diagonal of i+j = diag to sums.
            for i in range(max(0, diag-m+1), min(diag+1, n)):
                j = diag - i
                sums[i] += matrix[i][j]
            # Start dp. It will be an array of,
            # (total, (boundary, (boundary, ...()...))) with the
            # current block being the position. We include even
            # blocks, exclude odd ones.
            # At first we can be on block 0, sum 0, no boundaries.
            dp = [(0, ())]
            if 1 < blocks:
                # If we can have a second block, we could start excluding.
                dp.append((0, (0, ())))
            for i, s in enumerate(sums):
                # Start next_dp with basic "sum everything."
                # We do this so that we can assume next_dp[block]
                # is always there in the loop.
                next_dp = [(dp[0][0] + s, dp[0][1])]
                for block, entry in enumerate(dp):
                    total, boundaries = entry
                    # Are we including or excluding this block?
                    if 0 == block%2:
                        # Include row?
                        if next_dp[block][0] < total + s:
                            next_dp[block] = (total + s, boundaries)
                        # Start new block?
                        if block + 1 < blocks:
                            next_dp.append((total, (i, boundaries)))
                        # Exclude row?
                        if next_dp[block][0] < total:
                            next_dp[block] = entry
                        # Start new block?
                        if block + 1 < blocks:
                            next_dp.append((total + s, (i, boundaries)))
                dp = next_dp
            # Did we improve best?
            for total, boundaries in dp:
                if best[0] < total:
                    best = (total, diag, boundaries)
        # Undo the linked list for convenience.
        total, diag, boundary_link = best
        reversed_boundaries = []
        while 0 < len(boundary_link):
            boundary_link = boundary_link[1]
        return (total, diag, list(reversed(reversed_boundaries)))

    And let's test it on your example.

    matrix = [[ 1, -3, -2,  2, -1, -3,  0, -2,  0,  0],
              [-1,  3,  3, -3,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2, -2],
              [-1,  0, -1,  0,  2,  1,  1, -3,  2,  1],
              [-3,  1, -3, -1,  1, -3, -2, -1, -3,  1],
              [ 1, -3,  1, -2,  2,  1, -3,  2, -3,  0],
              [-1, -2,  0, -2,  2, -3,  3, -1, -1,  2],
              [ 2,  2, -3, -1,  0, -1,  2,  0,  3,  0],
              [-1,  3, -1,  1, -1,  0,  0,  3, -3,  0],
              [ 3,  2,  1,  1,  2,  3,  0,  2,  0, -3],
              [ 0,  3,  2,  0, -1, -2,  3, -3, -3,  1]]
    for row in matrix:

    As we hope, it finds the solution (26, 15, [0, 2, 3, 6]). Which corresponds to a sum of 26, a diagonal of 15 (so exclude when 15 < i+j - hits the end of the matrix by excluding from matrix[9][7] on), and excluding rows 0,1 then rows 3,4,5. All of which exactly matches your diagram.