Search code examples

How to get classification based on IDs and multiple conditions on ID?

I have the following internal table:

ID Text Origin
1 Text1 Word
1 Text1 Word
1 Text1 Excel
1 Text1 PowerPoint
2 Text1 Excel
2 Text1 PowerPoint
3 Text1 PowerPoint
3 Text1 Excel
3 Text1 Excel
3 Text1 Excel

and Im trying to get result:

ID Origin Classification
1 Word Triple_Word_Excel_PowerPoint
1 Word Triple_Word_Excel_PowerPoint
1 Excel Triple_Word_Excel_PowerPoint
1 PowerPoint Triple_Word_Excel_PowerPoint
2 Excel Double_Excel_PowerPoint
2 PowerPoint Double_Excel_PowerPoint
3 Word Double_Excel_Word
3 Excel Double_Excel_Word
3 Excel Double_Excel_Word
3 Excel Double_Excel_Word

I tried to filter the ID using a loop call and check which value is present in the Origin column. But I just can't get it. If there is a better solution using a SELECT call on the internal table, then i could try that as well.

My Code example:

    DATA: lv_current_id   TYPE string VALUE ' ',
      lv_origin_count TYPE i VALUE 0,
      lv_origin_text  TYPE string VALUE ' '.

LOOP AT lt_internal_table INTO DATA(ls_data).

  CLEAR: lv_origin_count, lv_origin_text.

  " Check, if origin is processed
  IF NOT ( ls_data-origin IN lt_origin ).
    " Save origin in temporary list
    APPEND ls_data-origin TO lt_origin.

    " Count occurrence of origin per id
    LOOP AT lt_data INTO DATA(ls_data2) WHERE id = ls_data-id AND origin = ls_data-origin.
      ADD 1 TO lv_origin_count.

    " Create cext for classification columnText für die Anzahl_Herkunft erstellen
    CASE lv_origin_count.
      WHEN 1.
        lv_origin_text = 'Single' && ls_data-origin.
      WHEN 2.
        lv_origin_text = 'Double' && ls_data-origin && ls_data-origin.
      WHEN 3.
        lv_origin_text = 'Triple' && ls_data-origin && ls_data-origin && ls_data-origin.

    " Save result in internal result table 
    APPEND VALUE #( id = ls_data-id text = ls_data-text origin = ls_data-origin classification = lv_origin_text ) TO lt_result.


  • Simple option would be to generate ID & Classification combination separately into another internal table and use it while looping over the initial table to construct final table. Code snippet is as shown below.

    REPORT zabap_sql.
    TYPES id TYPE i.
    TYPES text TYPE char10.
    TYPES origin TYPE char10.
    TYPES END OF ty1.
    TYPES BEGIN OF ty_cls.
    TYPES id TYPE i.
    TYPES classification TYPE string.
    TYPES END OF ty_cls.
    TYPES BEGIN OF tyresult.
    TYPES id TYPE i.
    TYPES origin TYPE char10.
    TYPES classification TYPE char50.
    TYPES END OF tyresult.
    DATA lt_cls TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_cls.
    DATA ls_cls TYPE ty_cls.
    DATA lv_id_string TYPE string.
    DATA lv_id_count TYPE i.
    DATA lt_internal_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty1.
    DATA lt_result TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tyresult.
      lt_internal_table = VALUE #(
                    ( id = 1 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Word' )
                    ( id = 1 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Excel' )
                    ( id = 1 text = 'Text1' origin = 'PowerPoint' )
                    ( id = 1 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Word' )
                    ( id = 2 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Excel' )
                    ( id = 2 text = 'Text1' origin = 'PowerPoint' )
                    ( id = 3 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Excel' )
                    ( id = 3 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Word' )
                    ( id = 3 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Excel' )
                    ( id = 3 text = 'Text1' origin = 'Excel' )
      SELECT FROM @lt_internal_table AS lt
          FIELDS id, origin
      GROUP BY id, origin
          ORDER BY id,origin
      INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_temp) .
      LOOP AT lt_temp INTO DATA(ls_temp) GROUP BY ls_temp-id.
        LOOP AT GROUP ls_temp INTO DATA(ls_temp_groupped).
          lv_id_count = lv_id_count + 1.
          IF lv_id_string IS INITIAL.
            lv_id_string = ls_temp_groupped-origin.
            CONCATENATE lv_id_string ls_temp_groupped-origin INTO lv_id_string SEPARATED BY '_'.
        CASE lv_id_count.
          WHEN 1. CONCATENATE 'Single' lv_id_string INTO lv_id_string SEPARATED BY '_'.
          WHEN 2. CONCATENATE 'Double' lv_id_string INTO lv_id_string SEPARATED BY '_'.
          WHEN 3. CONCATENATE 'Triple' lv_id_string INTO lv_id_string SEPARATED BY '_'.
        ls_cls = VALUE #( id = ls_temp-id classification = lv_id_string ).
        APPEND ls_cls TO lt_cls.
        CLEAR: lv_id_count, lv_id_string.
      SORT lt_cls BY id.
      LOOP AT lt_internal_table INTO DATA(ls_data).
        READ TABLE lt_cls INTO DATA(ls_cls1) WITH KEY id = ls_data-id.
        " Save result in internal result table
        APPEND VALUE #( id = ls_data-id origin = ls_data-origin classification = ls_cls1-classification ) TO lt_result.
      cl_demo_output=>display_data( lt_result ).

    Output is as below.

    1   Word        Triple_Excel_PowerPoint_Word
    1   Excel       Triple_Excel_PowerPoint_Word
    1   PowerPoint  Triple_Excel_PowerPoint_Word
    1   Word        Triple_Excel_PowerPoint_Word
    2   Excel       Double_Excel_PowerPoint
    2   PowerPoint  Double_Excel_PowerPoint
    3   Excel       Double_Excel_Word
    3   Word        Double_Excel_Word
    3   Excel       Double_Excel_Word
    3   Excel       Double_Excel_Word