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Laravel: Controller class Global variable returns null in class function

I'm a java developer; New to Laravel and PHP both. I learned how to define a global variable in Laravel controller class and used it as such. But it returns null in all other functions.

I have a class variable $person in my AddPersInfoController.php.

I initialize it first in a function because I need this ID to be saved with every record in different tables (handled by different functions in same controller) of the Database. But when I try to use it in any other function at the time of submitting form, it returns null.

Initialization function is called in get route as such:

Route in web.php


My AddPersInfoController.php controller

class AddPersInfoController extends Controller
    private $person     ;
    public  function add_all( int $user_id){

        $pers   = $this->person = Pers_info::find($user_id);
                dd($pers); // This shows all values fetched from Database

Here I initialize it and copy it into a local variable pers to pass it to the view using compact() method with a few other local variables.

In the view, I enter the data in other fields as required and then save them using a post route.

In web.php


AddPersInfoController.php controller

public function addPromHist(Request $request)
        $this->validate ( $request, [
        dd($this->person); // This returns null.

                $promHist = new Prom_history();
        $promHist-> pers_info_id     =       $this->person->id ; // I have to use it here
        $promHist-> date                =$request->date ;

It reutrns null in the above function.


  • This was solved by the answer of Khayam Khan; I don't know why he removed it, but this was his answer:

    It gives you null because of the stateless nature of HTTP requests.

    Each HTTP request to your Laravel application is handled independently. This means that for each request, a new instance of your controller is created.

    What you can do is either create a service class or save that value in the session. For Example,

    In add_all method

    session(['person_id' => $this->person->id]);

    In addPromHist method

    $personId = session('person_id');
    $this->person = Pers_info::find($personId);