I have a text files with two columns something like this
0 0.0 \
1 2.4800279266728324e-06\
2 9.823187699026918e-06\
3 2.1883453405001393e-05\
4 3.8513895910245685e-05\
5 5.9566616657733786e-05\
6 8.489267671382621e-05\
7 0.0001143420206179056\
8 0.0001477633945415465\
9 0.00018500425820479948\
10 0.00022591068993023063\
11 0.00027032728413800794\
12 0.000318097040494579\
13 0.00036906124381725773\
14 0.00042305933368967896\
I want to do a construct a histogram where each bins hava a width of 100 keV. How to do this coding in Python.
I tried to do the binning by taking the maximum and minimum value and divide them by the number of bins, but I think I am doing it wrong. Any help will be appreciated.
If you have a bin width (100 in your case) in advance, then you can do
assigned_bin = math.floor((max - min) / bin_width)
to choose which bin each observation goes in.