So I'm working with boto3
, trying to retrieve some data from a dynamoDB
table, and every number that is returned to me is using this Decimal(..) notation, like instead of getting
"itemId" : 123
I get
"itemId": Decimal(123)
Is there a way to remove this without having to write a regExp
for it?
I was doing it manually with a for, for example using int(itemId)
and it worked for some items but these are very big and complex objects that don't always have the same structure and key names, so I can't do everything like this.
For me, I create a DecimalEncoder class and use it to parse my data when needed. Here is an example:
import boto3
import json
import decimal
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table('MyTable')
class DecimalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
Helper class to convert a DynamoDB item to JSON.
def default(self, o): # pylint: disable=E0202
if isinstance(o, decimal.Decimal):
if abs(o) % 1 > 0:
return float(o)
return int(o)
return super(DecimalEncoder, self).default(o)
def getitem():
ddbresponse = table.get_item(
Key={'pk': 'a', 'sk': 'b'},
return json.dumps(ddbresponse['Item'], cls=DecimalEncoder) if 'Item' in ddbresponse else ddbresponse
DynamoDB has no idea what data type a number actually is, which causes python to represent it as a Decimal.