I can run MS Access macros (which then run a MS Access VBA function) with Python as discussed here. However, Access macros seem not to be able to use parameters.
Is there any possibility to run a Access VBA sub or function directly from Python and pass parameters to it? I tried application.run
VBA Code:
Public Function doNothing()
MsgBox "Test"
End Function
Access Macro3: Runs exactly this Function
import win32api
from win32com.client import Dispatch
objAccess = Dispatch("Access.Application")
objAccess.Visible = True
#Working with macro: (but no parameters possible)
#Not working: direct function call
#Also not working:
#objDB = objAccess.CurrentDb()
This is how I got it working: First, I tried to get the call to Access VBA running from Excel.
Excel VBA Code:
Public Sub openAccess()
Dim acc As Access.Application
Set acc = New Access.Application
With acc
.Application.Visible = True
.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Temp\test.accdb"
With .Application
.Eval ("doNothing()")
End With
End With
Set acc = Nothing
End Sub
Then I could find a solution for Python as well.
Python Code:
import win32api,time
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from datetime import date, datetime
destinationName = "C:\Temp\test.accdb"
#now get the db object and open the db
objAccess = Dispatch("Access.Application")
objAccess.Visible = True
#calling a function does work
Now, if we need to use function parameters, note that in this call Eval() does take parameters as string only, e.g. for a date parameter:
strDay = date.today().strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
objAccess.Application.Eval('doNothing("' + strDay + '")')
Hence, afterwards the Access VBA code needs to translate the input date string back into a date again:
Public Function doNothing(inputDate As String)
MsgBox CDate(inputDate) - 10
End Function