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save geojson as shapefile in R

I read the file from this link in R (Microsoft Office building footprint)

After unzipping the file, I get a csv which I convert into geojson. How do I save it as a shapefile either using sf or terra


file_name <- "part-00138-7b73ad6b-e7c8-4e22-9fa2-01d140ca911d.c000.csv.gz"

readLines(file_name) %>% 
 paste(collapse = ", ") %>%
 {paste0('{"type": "FeatureCollection",
         "features": [', ., "]}")} -> j

x <- to_geojson(j)

"geofeaturecollection" "geojson"

sf::st_write(x, dsn = getwd(), "temp.shp")
Error in UseMethod("st_write") : 
 no applicable method for 'st_write' applied to an object of class "c('geofeaturecollection', 'geojson')"

terra::writeVector(x, 'temp.shp')
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘writeVector’ for signature ‘"geofeaturecollection", "character"’


  • The first argument for sf::st_read() is dsn (data source name). The docs state:

    interpretation varies by driver - for some drivers dsn is a file name, but may also be a folder, or contain the name and access credentials of a database); in case of GeoJSON, dsn may be the character string holding the geojson data.

    So you can just provide your character string. Here's a simpler, complete example with no unzipping:

    # Read some sample geojson data
    x <- readLines("")
    dat <- sf::st_read(x)
    #   using driver `GeoJSON'
    # Simple feature collection with 13 features and 9 fields
    # Geometry type: POINT
    # Dimension:     XY
    # Bounding box:  xmin: -2.098113 ymin: 53.70398 xmax: -1.786043 ymax: 53.74124
    # Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
    sf::st_write(dat, "tmp.shp", append = FALSE)

    Or in your case:

    dat  <- sf::st_read(j)
    sf::st_write(dat, "tmp.shp", append = FALSE)