I am trying to solve this leetcode problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-falling-path-sum/description
Given an n x n array of integers matrix, return the minimum sum of any falling path through matrix.
A falling path starts at any element in the first row and chooses the element in the next row that is either directly below or diagonally left/right. Specifically, the next element from position (row, col) will be (row + 1, col - 1), (row + 1, col), or (row + 1, col + 1).
It's a dynamic programming problem that I wanted to solve using recursion and memoization. The editorial section provided a java solution using row
and col
for memoization like below:
class Solution {
public int minFallingPathSum(int[][] matrix) {
int minFallingSum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Integer memo[][] = new Integer[matrix.length][matrix[0].length];
// start a DFS (with memoization) from each cell in the top row
for (int startCol = 0; startCol < matrix.length; startCol++) {
minFallingSum = Math.min(minFallingSum,
findMinFallingPathSum(matrix, 0, startCol, memo));
return minFallingSum;
public int findMinFallingPathSum(int[][] matrix, int row, int col, Integer[][] memo) {
//base cases
if (col < 0 || col == matrix.length) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//check if we have reached the last row
if (row == matrix.length - 1) {
return matrix[row][col];
//check if the results are calculated before
if (memo[row][col] != null) {
return memo[row][col];
// calculate the minimum falling path sum starting from each possible next step
int left = findMinFallingPathSum(matrix, row + 1, col, memo);
int middle = findMinFallingPathSum(matrix, row + 1, col + 1, memo);
int right = findMinFallingPathSum(matrix, row + 1, col - 1, memo);
memo[row][col] = Math.min(left, Math.min(middle, right)) + matrix[row][col];
return memo[row][col];
my initial approach using python was like below:
class Solution:
def minFallingPathSum(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
d = {}
min_sum = sys.maxsize
for i in range(len(matrix)):
min_sum = min(min_sum, self.recur(matrix, 1, i, matrix[0][i], d))
return min_sum
def recur(self, matrix: [], row: int, col: int, sum: int, d: {}):
if row >= len(matrix):
return sum
if (row, col) not in d:
l = []
l.append(self.recur(matrix, row + 1, col, sum + matrix[row][col], d))
if col - 1 >= 0:
l.append(self.recur(matrix, row + 1, col - 1, sum + matrix[row][col-1], d))
if col + 1 < len(matrix):
l.append(self.recur(matrix, row + 1, col + 1, sum + matrix[row][col+1], d))
d[row,col] = min(l)
return d[row,col]
but it's failing with a wrong answer after 18/50 test cases. I changed it to below by using the sum
along with row
and col
for memoization like below:
class Solution:
def minFallingPathSum(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
d = {}
min_sum = sys.maxsize
for i in range(len(matrix)):
min_sum = min(min_sum, self.recur(matrix, 1, i, matrix[0][i], d))
return min_sum
def recur(self, matrix: [], row: int, col: int, sum: int, d: {}):
if row >= len(matrix):
return sum
if (row, col, sum) not in d:
l = []
l.append(self.recur(matrix, row + 1, col, sum + matrix[row][col], d))
if col - 1 >= 0:
l.append(self.recur(matrix, row + 1, col - 1, sum + matrix[row][col-1], d))
if col + 1 < len(matrix):
l.append(self.recur(matrix, row + 1, col + 1, sum + matrix[row][col+1], d))
d[row,col,sum] = min(l)
return d[row,col,sum]
this is working but time limit exceeded after 43/50 test cases.
I am wondering why my python code with using (row, col)
for memoization is not working where as it's working for the Java code in the editorial.
any help would be appreciated.
...as it's working for the Java code in the editorial
But you didn't really replicate the Java algorithm into your Python version:
The Java version works bottom up, returning a sum from the given coordinates downwards to the bottom of the matrix, while your algorithm tries to work top down, accumulating a sum from the path from the top to the current cell.
The Java version uses the cell coordinates as memoization key, while the Python version uses the cell coordinates together with a sum as key (which destroys the benefit you might get from memoization).
In l
you also collect sums that include matrix[row][col+1]
, or matrix[row][col-1]
, but then store the best of these in dp[row,col,sum]
. But these sums were going to siblings of that row
and col
, so that can't be correct.
Here is a version that applies the same approach as in the Java version -- bottom up, so you don't need to pass a partial sum as argument. I chose to put the recur
function inside the main function, so it is not needed to pass matrix
or d
as arguments:
class Solution:
def minFallingPathSum(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
d = {}
def recur(row: int, col: int) -> int:
if col < 0 or col >= len(matrix[0]):
return 10000000 # larger than any value
if row == len(matrix) - 1:
return matrix[row][col]
if (row, col) not in d:
d[row,col] = min(recur(row + 1, col),
recur(row + 1, col - 1),
recur(row + 1, col + 1)) + matrix[row][col]
return d[row,col]
return min(recur(0, i) for i in range(len(matrix[0])))
You could improve on the memory usage, by implementing an iterative algorithm -- row by row, not depth-first -- with memoization only storing the results of the previously visited row. Also, you can use a list instead of a dict:
class Solution:
def minFallingPathSum(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
n = len(matrix[0])
dp = [0] * n
for row in matrix:
dp = [
min(dp[max(i-1, 0): min(n, i+2)]) + val
for i, val in enumerate(row)
return min(dp)