Delphi 12 introduced multiline strings and I'm trying to figure out how it works, coming from a JavaScript background. There I can directly have variables in multiline strings such as:
const myName = 'Martin';
const myString = `Hi ${myName},
Say hello to
And that would replace ${myName}
with the content of the variable. How can this be achieved in Delphi with the new '''
multiline Strings?
Delphi does not support String interpolation, as some languages do, like Java, C#, etc. The new multi-line syntax simply allows a string literal to span across line breaks, nothing more.
To do what you want, you would still need to use plain string concatenation, e.g.:
const myName = 'Martin';
const myString = 'Hi ' + myName +
Say hello to
The closest thing that Delphi has to String interpolation is SysUtils.Format()
, e.g.:
const myName = 'Martin';
const myString = Format(
Hi %s,
Say hello to