I am using PHP attributes to produce my OpenApi yaml file specfication/documentation and then using Swagger UI to interact with it. I have the following defined which creates the .yaml file without any problem
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
info: new OA\Info(
servers: [
new OA\Server(
components: new OA\Components(
parameters: [
new OA\Parameter(
responses: [
new OA\Response(
securitySchemes: [
new OA\SecurityScheme(
securityScheme: 'BearerAuth',
description: 'this is the beaer security scheme',
type: 'http',
scheme: 'bearer',
name: 'Authorization',
in: 'header'
tags: [
new OA\Tag(
I want to apply the bearer security globally so know I need to add something along the lines of
security: [ 'BearerAuth': [] ]
below or above tags: however this is generating an error .. Error: ParseError: syntax error, unexpected token ":", expecting "]" in ...
If I leave out this security definition from the class file and then manually add the following to the .yaml file
security: - Bearer: []
then it all works as expected.
So my question what is the correct syntax for the security:
I have tried a number of different ways but all have failed.
Generally I think this is the correct way (according to https://zircote.github.io/swagger-php/guide/cookbook.html#default-security-scheme-for-all-endpoints)
Just remember that with Attributes
you are writing proper PHP code, not PHPDoc, so it should probably be
security: [ 'BearerAuth' => [] ]