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Shopify - Logic to display handle of pages, collections, products and index on <body id="handle">?


I've found partial answers to this (like here and here) but get mixed results because it seems like grabbing the page handle is different depending on if the current page is a collection, a product, a page, a blog or index - is that correct?

Sorry if this is easy, I'm just a designer so am probably using incorrect search terms.


I've been adding logic to the body tag with mixed results like this...

  {% if != "index" %}id="{{ page.handle }}"{% endif %} 
  class="{{ template }}{% if template == "product" %} {{ product.handle }}{% endif %}
  {% if template == "collection" %} {{ collection.handle }}{% endif %}"


If possible, I'd prefer to define a variable like "bodyID" or "bodyClass" and use logic to grab the handle no matter the page-type - is this possible?

Something like...

   bodyID = ...logic to grab handle no matter the page-type...

<body id="{{ bodyID }}"

Or is there another way people do this? Any help much appreciated. Cheers


  • OK, after more searching I found this and with a bit of logic to handle the index use case, this works and adds a useful ID hook onto the body tag...

    <body {% if == "index" %}id="index"{% else %}id="{{ handle }}"{% endif %}>

    If anyone has a better way, let me know.