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Blazor apex charts null reference exception

I have this code:

@if (loaded && weathers != null && weathers.Count() > 0 && !weathersLoading && options != null)
    <ApexChart TItem="object" 
               Title="Temperature Chart"
               Options=@options XAxisType="XAxisType.Category" Debug>

        <ApexPointSeries TItem="Data.Entities.Weather"
                         Items="weathers.Where(w => w.HighTemp != null)"
                         Name="High Temp"
                         XValue="@(e => e.DateP)"
                         YValue="@(e => (decimal?)e.HighTemp)"                         
                         OrderBy="e => e.X" />        

        <ApexPointSeries TItem="Data.Entities.Weather"
                         Items="weathers.Where(w => w.LowTemp != null)"
                         Name="Low Temp"
                         XValue="@(e => e.DateP)"
                         YValue="@(e => (decimal?)e.LowTemp)"
                         OrderBy="e => e.X" />
        @if (averages != null && averages.Count() > 0)
            List<AvgHigh> avsH = averages.Select(g => new AvgHigh()
                Date = weathers.First(lw => lw.Date.DayOfYear == g.Key).Date,
                AvgHighTemp = g.Average(w => w.HighTemp) ?? 0,
                DateP = Business.Home.GregorianToP2(
                    weathers.First(lw => lw.Date.DayOfYear == g.Key).Date).Substring(2)
            List<AvgLow> avsL = averages.Select(g => new AvgLow()
                Date = weathers.First(lw => lw.Date.DayOfYear == g.Key).Date,
                AvgLowTemp = g.Average(w => w.LowTemp) ?? 0,
                DateP = Business.Home.GregorianToP2(
                    weathers.First(lw => lw.Date.DayOfYear == g.Key).Date).Substring(2)
            <ApexPointSeries TItem="AvgHigh"
                             Name="Avg High"
                             XValue="@(e => e.DateP)"
                             YValue="@(e => (decimal?)e.AvgHighTemp)"
                             OrderBy="e=>e.X" />            

            <ApexPointSeries TItem="AvgLow"
                             Name="Avg Low"
                             XValue="@(e => e.DateP)"
                             YValue="@(e => (decimal?)e.AvgLowTemp)"
                             OrderBy="e=>e.X" />            

@code {
 private ApexChartOptions<object> options = new ApexChartOptions<object>
        Chart = new Chart
            Stacked = true
        PlotOptions = new PlotOptions
            Bar = new PlotOptionsBar
                Horizontal = false
        Colors = new List<string> { "#ffa500", "#4169e1", "#ff0000", "#ffffff" }

While I debug and verify that all collections have values, But I get this error:

object reference not set to an instance of an object. at apexcharts.apexpointseries`1.oninitialized() at microsoft.aspnetcore.components.componentbase.runinitandsetparametersasync()

I am converting a working radzen blazor chart to apex chart because of stacked column chart it has. In blazor how to correct this?


  • As far as I know, you need identical TItem (type) inside a single ApexChart. So every ApexPointSeries TItem must also be the same as ApexChart TItem.

    So change to

    <ApexChart TItem="Data.Entities.Weather" 

    and every point series needs:

    <ApexPointSeries TItem="Data.Entities.Weather"

    Variables avsH and avsL must also be of type Weather.

    You will just need to rethink your data structure a bit.