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Mock is crashing process in umbrella project


I have an umbrella project, where I run mix test from the root. In one of the apps, I am mocking the File module using the Mock library.


The issue here is that when I run mix test the process dies, with no error message to show:

Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest [test/unit/store/reader_test.exs]
  * test list_syndicates/1 returns the list of all known syndicates [L#496]** (EXIT from #PID<0.98.0>) killed


The code of the test is as follows:

defmodule Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: false

  alias Manager.Impl.Store.Reader

  import Mock

  setup do
      file_io: File,
      paths: [syndicates: ["syndicates.json"]]

  describe "lists syndicates" do
    test_with_mock "returns the list of all known syndicates", %{paths: paths} = deps, File, [],
      read: fn _filename -> {:ok, "[\"utc\"]"} end do
      # Act
      actual = Reader.list_syndicates(deps)

      expected = {:ok, [%Syndicate{name: "UTC", id: :utc, catalog: []}]}

      expected_path = Path.join(paths[:syndicates])

      # Assert
      assert actual == expected

In comparison, the follow test (which does not use mock) works just fine:

defmodule Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest do
  @moduledoc false

  use ExUnit.Case, async: false

  alias Manager.Impl.Store.Reader

  import Mock

  setup do
      paths: [syndicates: ["syndicates.json"]]

  describe "list_syndicates/1" do
    defmodule FileMockListSyndicates do
      @moduledoc false

      def read(path) do
        assert path == "syndicates.json"
        {:ok, "[\"utc\"]"}

    setup do
        file_io: Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest.FileMockListSyndicates

    test "returns the list of all known syndicates",
         %{paths: paths} = deps do
      # Act
      actual = FileSystem.list_syndicates(deps)
      expected = {:ok, [%Syndicate{name: "UTC", id: :utc, catalog: []}]}

      # Assert
      assert actual == expected

To me this is rather surprising. One alternative crashes the process with no error message, while the other makes everything work.

To me, this indicates one of three problems:

  1. A problem with the library Mock
  2. A problem with my setup of the library
  3. A problem with the test that causes the process to crash

I believe the second and third options to be the most probable, but without any information about the error, I can't be sure. The process simply dies.


Why is my process dying, and how can I fix it?


  • Mock depends on :meck, which does swap out the complete module within the runtime – as in make the VM unload the existing module and load the module with the mock code. (...) The best improvement to get would be better errors or disclaimers.


    At the time of this writing, I have tested all major mocking libraries (Mock, Mox and Mimic). Both Mock and Mimic rely on :meck underneath. Rather surprisingly, I get the exact same issue with Mimic as I got with Mock, i.e., the process crashes without warning.

    This leaves me to the only logical conclusion, which is that the problem I am facing is related to the underlying system that servers as a base for both libraries: :meck. This issue does not happen using Mox.

    I have therefore decided not to use Mock (nor Mimic) for the application and I am instead injecting the dependencies directly into the functions that need them. This last approach is very lightweight and does allow for async: true which gives a noticeable speed increase when running mix test.

    Because I am only using a very small portion of the external system's API (2 - 3 functions) this fits well with my needs. However, If I were to use all functions from said API (let's say 20) this solution would be rather difficult to manage.

    I don't expect the affected modules to evolve in such a direction, so for the time being, I am rather happy.

    Here is a sample test for those searching for inspiration (using File as an example):

    setup do
        paths: [products: ["products.json"]]
    test "returns list of available products from given syndicate", %{paths: paths} = deps do
      read_fn = fn filename ->
        assert filename == Path.join(paths[:products])
        {:ok, "[{\"name\": \"utc\"}]"}
      deps = Map.put(deps, :io, %{read: read_fn})
      syndicate = "UTC", id: :utc)
      assert FileSystem.list_products(syndicate, deps) ==
               {:ok, [{"name" => "Bananas"})]}