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GraphApi permissions - unable to read list values while it is possible to read columns info

I am able to query graphapi for columns, GET request:


But when I try to get list values, also GET request, i get empty array


(also tried with appending ?expand=fields(select=fieldName), where fieldName was name listed by columns GET response)


   "@odata.context": "$metadata#sites('{siteId}')/lists('{listId}')/items",
   "value": []

When i try to create row using POST request i receive access denied. I am accessing api using rest requests from soapui, my app which i use has Sites.Selected API permission and the site which I am using was assigned permission by link:


According to documentation to receive columns and list items same permission are required i.e. Sites.Read.All

Any idea why I can list columns but cannot list items (receive empty array as a result)?


  • It turned out that Right="FullControl" was required