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Calculating distance between spatial point and spatial line

I have a simple features object with spatial points (coordinates) in it, and I have a large SpatialLinesDataframe (representing roads). I have about 9000 points, and I am wanting to calculate the shortest distance between each point and the nearest road in the SpatialLinesDataframe. As rgdal and rgeos are now deprecated, I am unsure how I can best calculate these distances efficiently (ie gDistance won't work). Any help is appreciated!


  • If it's OK for you to switch to sf package, you can combine or union your road network (presumably LINESTRING geometries) into a single MULTILINESTRING and use st_distance():

    #> Linking to GEOS 3.11.2, GDAL 3.6.2, PROJ 9.2.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
    # as an example, Roxel road network from sfnetworks package
    roxel_ <- sfnetworks::roxel
    #> Simple feature collection with 851 features and 2 fields
    #> Geometry type: LINESTRING
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: 7.522594 ymin: 51.94151 xmax: 7.546705 ymax: 51.9612
    #> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
    #> # A tibble: 851 × 3
    #>    name                  type                                           geometry
    #>  * <chr>                 <fct>                                  <LINESTRING [°]>
    #>  1 Havixbecker Strasse   residential      (7.533722 51.95556, 7.533461 51.95576)
    #>  2 Pienersallee          secondary   (7.532442 51.95422, 7.53236 51.95377, 7.53…
    #>  3 Schulte-Bernd-Strasse residential (7.532709 51.95209, 7.532823 51.95239, 7.5…
    #>  4 <NA>                  path        (7.540063 51.94468, 7.539696 51.94479, 7.5…
    #>  5 Welsingheide          residential       (7.537673 51.9475, 7.537614 51.94562)
    #>  6 <NA>                  footway     (7.543791 51.94733, 7.54369 51.94686, 7.54…
    #>  7 <NA>                  footway           (7.54012 51.94478, 7.539931 51.94514)
    #>  8 <NA>                  path        (7.53822 51.94546, 7.538131 51.94549, 7.53…
    #>  9 <NA>                  track       (7.540063 51.94468, 7.540338 51.94468, 7.5…
    #> 10 <NA>                  track       (7.5424 51.94599, 7.54205 51.94629, 7.5419…
    #> # ℹ 841 more rows
    # sample points 
    roxel_bbox <- 
      roxel_ |>
      st_bbox() |>
    sample_points <- st_sf(id = 1:20, geometry = st_sample(roxel_bbox, 20))
    plot(st_geometry(sample_points), add = TRUE, pch = 19, col = "red")

    # convert linestrings to a single multilinestring
    roxel_u <- st_union(roxel_)
    #> Geometry set for 1 feature 
    #> Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: 7.522594 ymin: 51.94151 xmax: 7.546705 ymax: 51.9612
    #> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
    #> MULTILINESTRING ((7.533722 51.95556, 7.533461 5...
    # add distance to a multilinestring for each point
    sample_points$dist_to_road <- st_distance(sample_points, roxel_u)
    #> Simple feature collection with 20 features and 2 fields
    #> Geometry type: POINT
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: 7.522862 ymin: 51.94221 xmax: 7.545885 ymax: 51.96073
    #> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
    #> First 10 features:
    #>    id                  geometry   dist_to_road
    #> 1   1   POINT (7.52293 51.9458) 191.023154 [m]
    #> 2   2  POINT (7.537142 51.9531)  20.392243 [m]
    #> 3   3 POINT (7.544911 51.94645)  76.427547 [m]
    #> 4   4 POINT (7.523751 51.95759) 110.614399 [m]
    #> 5   5 POINT (7.545885 51.96069) 173.888472 [m]
    #> 6   6 POINT (7.523605 51.94263) 234.182639 [m]
    #> 7   7 POINT (7.522862 51.95603) 101.840416 [m]
    #> 8   8 POINT (7.525905 51.94221)  94.636355 [m]
    #> 9   9  POINT (7.53068 51.95891)   3.990801 [m]
    #> 10 10 POINT (7.525584 51.94721)   4.575924 [m]

    Created on 2024-01-18 with reprex v2.0.2