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updating code already written, I need help for triple loops ForEach-Object to varie 3 variables


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here my code :

    PARAM (
            [PARAMETER(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Enter a range of 16M color values, e.g. (1..255)")]
            [Parameter(HelpMessage = "How many spaces do you want in the bar? This will increase the length of the bar.")]
            $Spacing = 1
    $ESC = "$([CHAR]0X1b)"
    $OUT = @()
    $BLANK = " " * $Spacing
    $out += $RANGE_R | ForEach-Object {         # ◄--- I need to include $Range_G and $Range_B.

        # now it's in shades of gray because it's still the same variable for the other 2 values ?

    $OUT -JOIN ""

**NEW-ANSIBAR-16M -RANGE_R (1..255) -RANGE_G (100..150) -RANGE_B (100..150) -Spacing 1** 

Should I try iteratively ? Or is there another way to do it ?

I tried with others ForEach-Object but it gave errors.

Thank you very much ! I need this result bot brown degraded and return to normal.

I need this result bot brown degraded


  • You can avoid using 3 loops if you use the zip function from .NET LINQ

    Calling from powershell is a bit tricky, but is not so bad if you're using powershell 7.3+

    Here's how you could do it:

    $r_R = [Linq.Enumerable]::OfType[int]($RANGE_R)
    $r_G = [Linq.Enumerable]::OfType[int]($RANGE_G)
    $r_B = [Linq.Enumerable]::OfType[int]($RANGE_B)
    $out += [Linq.Enumerable]::Zip[int,int,int]($r_R,$r_G, $r_B) | foreach { 

    You can adapt this to use StringBuilder as per the other answer.