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Bad:PageSpeed Insights can't work by using http,it works when I using https

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it can't work by using http,it works when I using https.

I haven't configured my server to handle any specific user-agent

PageSpeed Insights only support https now? or only support http2 ? or Deprecate HTTP/1.1 ? or other reason.

i change user-agent the same to pageSpeed in my brower ,using http it works.


  • It seems that your web server may be geo-blocking (Japanese translation) traffic from outside of Japan.

    When I try to visit from my computer in the US, the request times out.

    I set up three tests using WebPageTest to visit the page from three countries: the US, Ireland, and Japan. The filmstrip comparison shows that the page only loads successfully when the request comes from within Japan:

    enter image description here

    PageSpeed Insights runs from Google data centers around the world, so it seems like your web server is blocking the tool from testing your page, just like in the non-Japan tests above.