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How to create a recording Span given a parent Span's traceId and spanId?

The data flow I am trying to instrument has a variety of in-band mechanisms for propagating context (SQS, Kinesis messages, entries written in a DB, etc.) In the process of manually instrumenting some components, I need to extract the context and create recording Spans which will reflect the work being done by those components. I have tried a couple of versions of this:

Span parentSpan = Span.wrap(SpanContext.createFromRemoteParent(traceId,

Context propagatedContext = Context.current().with(parentSpan);

Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("please-export-me")

However, the resulting span is of type PropagatedSpan and hence isRecording is false.

What is the correct way to solve this use case?


  • Figured this out! The problem in the above code is in the TraceFlags. TraceFlags.getDefault() returns 0x00, which marks it as not sampled. We need 0x01 - which is returned by TraceFlags.getSampled(). The code below works, with span now being the SdkSpan implementation, which is exported:

    Span parentSpan = Span.wrap(SpanContext.createFromRemoteParent(traceId,
                                                                   TraceFlags.getSampled(), // NOT getDefault()! 
    Context propagatedContext = Context.current().with(parentSpan);
    Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("please-export-me")