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Count Number of Non Consecutive Occurrence of values in Google sheets

I use Google Sheets to manage the schedule of 17 rotating shift workers. The draft schedule runs out 9 months. It's easy for myself to loose track of folks working too many days in a row covering shifts with overtime due to workload demands and others taking leave. I'm looking to the count max number of days a person would work in a row as I wish to limit and avoid staff burnout. My initial thinking would be to count the number of consecutive days which are NOT a dash ("-") as a dash indicates a scheduled day off. It would also be wonderful to indicated corresponding dates of non-consecutive days (i.e. 15 dates between X and X).

sample rotating schedule

This comes close to what I envision, but haven't played with it. Return longest streak of consecutive dates in a Google Sheets column


  • You may try:


    enter image description here

    for consecutive days:

         to_text(Λ-max(Σ)+1)&" - "&to_text(Λ))