I'm trying to archive month date 1 to month end date with.
below code now get this year month complete date 1 to 31 by below code. but it only gives current year month I want to pass dynamic year month name or month number to archive date list
$this->dateRange = CarbonPeriod::create(now()->startOfMonth(), now()->endOfMonth())->toArray();
Result I get:
I'm trying to archive month date 1 to month end date in array.
You can achive that using ->setMonth
$monthNumber = 1;
$this->dateRange = CarbonPeriod::create(now()->startOfMonth()->setMonth($monthNumber), now()->endOfMonth())->toArray();
But if you want to work with different years (instead of only the now() year), I recommend a different approach:
$year = 2024; // Replace with the desired year
$month = 5; // Replace with the desired month number or month name
// Create a Carbon instance for the first day of the specified month
$startDate = Carbon::create($year, $month, 1)->startOfMonth();
// Create a Carbon instance for the last day of the specified month
$endDate = $startDate->endOfMonth();
$dateRange = CarbonPeriod::create($startDate, $endDate)->toArray();