Search code examples

Look for a word and copy row

I keep getting a mix of two errors: Runtime Error '5941' The Requested Member of Collection Does Not Exist and Object variable not set (Error 91) for this code.

I am trying to look for a word in tables 8 and 9 in the document and if found, copy and paste its corresponding row in a new doc.

Dim z As Long
Dim v As Long
Dim Table As Table
Dim Tables As Tables
Dim Rows As Rows
Dim Row As Row

For z = 8 To 9 Step 1
    For v = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables(z).Rows.Count Step 1
    Selection.Find.Execute FindText:="apples"
            If Selection.Find.Found = True Then
                ChangeFileOpenDirectory _
                Selection.EndKey wdStory
                Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
            End If


  • Try this code - you should be more explicit regarding the documents you are working on:

    Sub copyRowsWithApples()
    Dim docSource As Word.Document
    Set docSource = ThisDocument    'adjust this e.g. ActiveDocument if applicable.
    Dim docTarget As Word.Document
    Set docTarget = Application.Documents.Add   'adjust this to your settings
    Dim z As Long
    Dim tbl As Table
    Dim tblRow As Row
    For z = 8 To 9 Step 1
        Set tbl = docSource.Tables(z)
        For Each tblRow In tbl.Rows
            With tblRow.Range.Find
                    .Execute findtext:="apples"
                    If .Found = True Then
                        With docTarget.Content
                            .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                            .PasteAndFormat wdFormatOriginalFormatting
                        End With
                    End If
            End With
    End Sub