I'm Trying to learn PowerBI by designing a Stock Portfolio Analysis App.
Here's the sample data of Table - Tradebook_1
Symbol | ISIN | Trade Date | Exchange | Segment | Series | Trade Type | Auction | Quantity | Price | Trade ID | Order ID | Order Execution Time | CurrentPrice | |||
IRFC | INE053F01010 | 04-09-2023 | NSE | EQ | EQ | buy | FALSE | 15 | 65.6 | 23012505 | 1.1E+15 | 04-09-2023 10.57 | 142.3 | |||
IRFC | INE053F01010 | 13-09-2023 | BSE | EQ | A | sell | FALSE | 15 | 78.32 | 182294200 | 1.6946E+18 | 13-09-2023 15.17 | 142.3 | |||
IRFC | INE053F01010 | 19-12-2023 | NSE | EQ | EQ | buy | FALSE | 100 | 95.15 | 20190250 | 1.1E+15 | 19-12-2023 9.16 | 142.3 | |||
IRFC | INE053F01010 | 19-12-2023 | NSE | EQ | EQ | sell | FALSE | 100 | 95.75 | 20228314 | 1.1E+15 | 19-12-2023 9.16 | 142.3 |
I'm trying to create a measure which calculates current Portfolio value on the basis of Above Table, Tradebook_1
by adding stocks with Tradebook_1 = "buy"
and subtracting Tradebook_1 = "sell"
and then multiplying it with Tradebook_1[CurrentPrice]
Hence, the total quantity of the above stock should be 0 in portfolio value.
Here's the measure -
//Current Portfolio Value
//Current Distinct Stocks in Tradebook irrespective of they're present in Portfolio or not.
VAR CurrentStock = VALUES(Tradebook_1[Symbol])
//Current Stock
//Calculate Quantity of Stocks in Portfolio, Add "buy", Subtract "sell
Var AllStockQ =
SUMMARIZE(Tradebook_1, Tradebook_1[Symbol],"CurrQuantity", SUMX(Tradebook_1, IF(Tradebook_1[Trade Type] = "buy", Tradebook_1[Quantity], - Tradebook_1[Quantity])))
// Using Filter to reference column in Table Var AllStockQ Joining to Tradebook_1 to get CurrPrice
VAR CurrStockQ =
NATURALINNERJOIN( FILTER(AllStockQ, [CurrQuantity] > 0), Tradebook_1)
//Get Current Total Portfolio Value
VAR PortfolioVal = SUMX( CurrStockQ , [CurrentPrice] * [CurrQuantity] )
I'm getting an error for the same.
How does one go about referencing a column in a table assigned to a variable? I googled it and found CALCULATETABLE
won't work but Filter will.
Need some help with this measure.
Edit - I'm trying to use DAX Queryview, my variable CurrStockQ
is returning a table joined with Tradebook_1
. I just want to use this variable to calculate the Portfolio Value.
PBIX File - Here
Is it not just this? Should the buy price not be the Price column?
Measure =
VAR b = CALCULATE(SUMX(Tradebook_1, Tradebook_1[Quantity] * Tradebook_1[CurrentPrice]), Tradebook_1[Trade Type] = "buy")
VAR s = CALCULATE(SUMX(Tradebook_1, Tradebook_1[Quantity] * Tradebook_1[CurrentPrice]), Tradebook_1[Trade Type] = "sell")