As the title said, I'm looking for a way to display a single command in an Azure CLI inline script on multiple lines. It is purely for visibility since I happen to have a lot of parameters for the script I'm using.
It is working fine as is but just wondering if it can be improved for future developers.
I am aware that adding a pipe "|
" at the start is used to have multiple lines like this :
- task: AzureCLI@2
## other info
inlineScript: |
cd $(Pipeline.Workspace)/scripts/apimdevportal/
node .\migrate.js --sourceSubscriptionId ${{ parameters.apimSourceSubscriptionId }} --sourceResourceGroupName ${{ parameters.apimSourceRgName }} --sourceEnvironmentName ${{ parameters.apimSourceRgName }} --theListGoesOn
The issue, if I may say, is the fact that my migrate.js
script needs a lot of parameters and I wanted to see them all in one go instead of scrolling horizontally to see the last parameter.
What I want to achieve :
- task: AzureCLI@2
## other info
inlineScript: |
cd $(Pipeline.Workspace)/scripts/apimdevportal/
node .\migrate.js --sourceSubscriptionId ${{ parameters.apimSourceSubscriptionId }}
--sourceResourceGroupName ${{ parameters.apimSourceRgName }}
--sourceEnvironmentName ${{ parameters.apimSourceRgName }}
I though of using |
, ^
, ~
at the end of each line but my pipeline always returns an error.
Again, it is only for a better visibility for the developer.
Thanks for your help !
You need to use ` e.g.
- task: AzureCLI@2
## other info
inlineScript: |
cd $(Pipeline.Workspace)/scripts/apimdevportal/
node .\migrate.js --sourceSubscriptionId ${{ parameters.apimSourceSubscriptionId }} `
--sourceResourceGroupName ${{ parameters.apimSourceRgName }} `
--sourceEnvironmentName ${{ parameters.apimSourceRgName }} `