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Electron - sharing constants between main and renderer

Is it possible to share constants between the main process and the renderer process in electron? I haven't been able to find an elegant solution.

I can share constants between renderer and preload. So far, it seems like exposing the constants through contextBridge is the only way.

Anyone have a cool way of doing this?


  • If you mean actual constants, like static strings or objects, then yes, it's possible. You can put these constants on a file (or files), and simply import them in both processes.

    For ESM, now supported since Electron 28 (see docs), nothing special to do, just use import/export:


    export const myFirstConst = "Hello";
    export const mySecondConst = "World";

    Renderer & Main

    import { myFirstConst, mySecondConst } from "./constants.js";

    For CJS, you need to use CJS exports so it can be required on the main process. If your renderer uses a bundler, you need to make sure it supports CJS exports when using ES6 import. For Babel for example, sourceType has to be set to "unambiguous".


    const myFirstConst = "Hello";
    const mySecondConst = "World";
    module.exports = { myFirstConst, mySecondConst };


    import { myFirstConst, mySecondConst } from "./constants";


    const { myFirstConst, mySecondConst } = require("./constants.js");

    If the constants depend on some renderer code, then you need to use the bridge.